Contest: Hosted by: Fairy Bricks Description/categories: Build a scene that will be included in a display (in London) Deadline: You have to bid for a spot by November 2 (it's a fundraising contest) Contest rules
Okay, I know, I've just been horrid at updating this. I'm not even going to try to recap everything I've missed, but I'll post up a few of the most current items.
Contest:Color it Blacktron! Hosted by: Elephant Knight Description/categories: Build a MOC using the Blacktron color scheme (it does not have to be a space MOC) Deadline: June 30 Contest rules
Contest:MocAthalon 2015 Hosted by: MOCpages forum Description/categories: Teams of builders try to complete as many MOCs from a list of topics during the month of March Deadline: Month of March Contest rules
Contest: Hosted by: ABS Builder Challenge group Description/categories: Four builders face off to build MOCs based on a seed part - the Brick, Modified 1 x 2 x 2/3 with Studs on Sides (I've always called this the "traffic light brick"). Deadline: 2 week Contest rules
Contest:Iron Builder Hosted by: Builder's Lounge and Alice Finch Description/categories: 6kyubi6 and Letranger Absurde face off to build MOCs based on the pitchfork Deadline: end of March Contest rules
There's no way I can go back and highlight all of the contests that have occurred in the last few months, but I can't skip out on the one I helped administer. Also, it's the longest-running major online AFOL community contest.
The Master Builder title went to the participant who competed in six or more categories and got the best overall scores. This year's Master Builder is Brother Steven.